Company policy

The top management of ARPROG, a joint-stock company of Poprad undertakes to:

  • Fulfil the needs and expectations of customers and other stakeholders through high-quality operations. Win and keep our customers´ trust through compliance with applicable regulations and regulatory requirements.
  • Improve overall performance of the company and focus on its further development.
  • Understand the needs and expectations of stakeholders and create mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers in order to enhance the company´s ability to implement projects and supply required products.
  • Ensure information and awareness about the quality management system, welding quality system, environmental management system, occupational safety and health management system, going business management system, and anti-corruption system at all management levels.
  • Identify and make available resources necessary to maintain and improve the management systems and welding quality assurance system implemented by the company.
  • Apply the process-based approach within management of the company.
  • Plan and implement management system processes applying the risk-based approach.
  • Monitor and measure processes, products, and customer satisfaction.
  • Continuously improve already implemented management systems.
  • Comply with the standards covering the area of welding of metal and plastic materials.
  • Protect environment, safeguard environmental pollution prevention, protect nature against the damage and deterioration resulting from construction activities.
  • Comply with relevant legal and other environmental requirements.
  • Determine binding environmental requirements and evaluate their fulfilment.
  • Continuously improve the environmental management system and environmentally-friendly conduct.
  • Determine and review environmental objectives at regular intervals.
  • Enhance the awareness among employees about their responsibility for protection of their own health and cooperation aimed at occupational safety improvement.
  • Reduce to a minimum level the possibility of any threats or damage to human health at all workplaces and sites of company through the management of identified risks.
  • Monitor risks, continuously improve the level of protection of health of the company´s employees, and comply with valid legal regulations and other requirements in the area of occupational safety and health.
  • Implement, comply with, and improve business continuity.
  • Identify potential threats and related effects that influence business operations and develop operational flexibility and the ability to react efficiently.
  • Implement, maintain, and improve information security with appropriate sets of measures.
  • Ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information following the requirements.
  • Prohibit corruption and implement anti-corruption measures.
  • Detect, notify, and solve all corruption cases that may occur.
  • Comply with the anti-corruption legislation applicable to the company.
  • Provide employees, through the integrated system manager who acts as an independent person, with consultancy and guidance in the area of the anti-corruption management system and responsibility for compliance with and development of the anti-corruption management system.
  • Take relevant steps against the employees responsible for any breach of the anti-corruption policy.
  • Encourage whistleblowing by employees through elimination of retaliation and securing confidentiality as concerns identity of whistle-blowers.
  • Require the anti-corruption conduct also from suppliers and business partners.
  • Promote managers´ responsibility for implementation of the anti-corruption policy and maintenance and improvement of the anti-corruption management system.